Features of bottles wrapping machine
The Automatic Shrink Wrapping System will be designed to accept your pack of your packaged water Bottles from 200 ml, 2000 ml arranged in the required matrix without the use of bottom tray. The machine shall have an output up to
60-120 BPM depending on the bottle capacity and its matrix. The machine shall consist mainly of three sections.
Detail Specification
The feeding conveyor will carry the Bottles up to the collator where the Bottles will be collated and arranged in the required matrix. A sensor shall be provided for the same. The length of the feeding conveyor shall accommodate 2 to 3 packs at a time.
The conveyor shall be made from rubber / sandwich belt with the necessary guiding and tensioning arrangement. The motion of the conveyor shall be intermittent with the help of AC motor clutch & brake mechanism.
The pack which is transferred from the collator to wrapping section carry the film along with it.
A Motorized Film Unwinding system shall be provided to unwind adequate amount of film required for wrapping. A film Guide roll and guide bush shall be provided. The necessary sensor (photocell) shall be provided to ensure availability of free unwounded film during sealing operation. A Dancing Roller with a proximity switch shall be provided to unwind the necessary film.
The front sealing jaw shall have a sealing of suitable width. This jaw will have a continuous heating arrangement for cutting and sealing of film. A water/air cooling shall be provided for the sealing head. The temperature of the sealing head shall be controlled with the help of a Temperature Controller (Continuous Heating).
At the time of wrapping the pack shall also be held from the top with the help of Pneumatic Arrangement.
The Shrink Tunnel shall be fabricated from Mild Steel structural with mild steel paneling duly printed and painted. The design of the machine shall be suitable to accept your packs of 450 x 350 mm (W x H).
The Shrink Tunnel shall consist of a Heating chamber, which shall be well insulated with Rockwool, to reduce loss of heat. The Heating chamber shall also have a top mounted Blower to blow temperature controlled Hot Air onto the product. The Air inside the chamber shall be heated with the help of U – Shaped Heaters. An Electronic Temperature controller shall be mounted for accurate control of temperature between 0*C to 250*C.
The Shrink Tunnel also consists of a chain linked with a G. I. Mesh Conveyor. The conveyor motion shall be of continuous type. The conveyor shall be driven by a A.C. Geared Motor to achieve speed variation for ensuring a proper shrinkage. The speed variation will be done with the help of a VF A.C Drive. A cooling fan shall be provided at the exit end to ensure a tight wrap. A necessary idle conveyor shall be provided for easy collection of pack.
An aesthetic control panel made from Mild Steel shall be fitted either alongside the machine or shall be given separately as per the Layout of machine or shall be given separately as per the Layout of machine. All the components used like contactors, relays, rotary switches, timer, limit switches shall be of reputed makes and shall have capacities taking into consideration the safety factor of the worker and the machine.
All the parameters of the system shall be controlled by this panel. The sequence of operations of the machine shall be suitably interlocked
for optimum safety. A MMI( Man-Machine Interface) will be given for easy operator understanding of Fault and Parameter settings.
Technical Specification
Machine speed | 12 to 50 per mint | ||
Bag Size | (Length)30-250 mm (Width) 100-360 mm | ||
Film Material | Composite film/non-woven fabric/paper-plastic film | ||
Net Weight | 400KG Gross weight :450kg | ||
Bag Type | Center Seal | ||
Notch | Applicable | ||
Voltage | AC420V Three-phase | ||
Total Power | 4.KW | ||
Measuring range | 5gms 100gms, 50gms to 500gms | ||
PLC | Schneider | ||
Measuring Mode | Volumetric Auger filler , | ||
HmI Display | Pepper + Fuchs | ||
Machine Material | Mild Steel | Base France | |
Motor | Premium | Base India | |
Heater | marathon | Base India | |
Solid-state relay | unison | Base India | |
Intermediate relay | India | Base India | |
Buttons | Schneider | Base France | |
Pneumatic | Festo | Base Germany | |
Sensor | Pepper + Fuchs | Base Germany |
Output ; 20Up 50 Pouches/ Per Mint
Application / Uses
Shrink Wrapping System will be designed to accept your pack Group Bottle 12bottle to 24 Bottle of your packaged water Juice Soft Drink Bottles from 200 ml, 2000 ml
Product Video
Packing Designs
Size Variations
Water Juice Soft Drink 200ml 300ml 500ml 1Liter 1.5 Liter 2Liter
Delivery Countries
Afghanistan | Dominican Republic | Lesotho | Saint Lucia |
Albania | East Timor (Timor-Leste) | Liberia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Algeria | Ecuador | Libya | Samoa |
Andorra | Egypt | Liechtenstein | San Marino |
Angola | El Salvador | Lithuania | Sao Tome and Principe |
Antigua and Barbuda | Equatorial Guinea | Luxembourg | Saudi Arabia |
Argentina | Eritrea | Madagascar | Senegal |
Armenia | Estonia | Malawi | Serbia |
Australia | Eswatini | Malaysia | Seychelles |
Austria | Ethiopia | Maldives | Sierra Leone |
Azerbaijan | Fiji | Mali | Singapore |
The Bahamas | Finland | Malta | Slovakia |
Bahrain | France | Marshall Islands | Slovenia |
Bangladesh | Gabon | Mauritania | Solomon Islands |
Barbados | The Gambia | Mauritius | Somalia |
Belarus | Georgia | Mexico | South Africa |
Belgium | Germany | Micronesia, Federated States of | Spain |
Belize | Ghana | Moldova | Sri Lanka |
Benin | Greece | Monaco | Sudan |
Bhutan | Grenada | Mongolia | Sudan, South |
Bolivia | Guatemala | Montenegro | Suriname |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guinea | Morocco | Sweden |
Botswana | Guinea-Bissau | Mozambique | Switzerland |
Brazil | Guyana | Myanmar (Burma) | Syria |
Brunei | Haiti | Namibia | Taiwan |
Bulgaria | Honduras | Nauru | Tajikistan |
Burkina Faso | Hungary | Nepal | Tanzania |
Burundi | Iceland | Netherlands | Thailand |
Cabo Verde | India | New Zealand | Togo |
Cambodia | Indonesia | Nicaragua | Tonga |
Cameroon | Iran | Niger | Trinidad and Tobago |
Canada | Iraq | Nigeria | Tunisia |
Central African Republic | Ireland | North Macedonia | Turkey |
Chad | Israel | Norway | Turkmenistan |
Chile | Italy | Oman | Tuvalu |
China | Jamaica | Pakistan | Uganda |
Colombia | Japan | Palau | Ukraine |
Comoros | Jordan | Panama | United Arab Emirates |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Kazakhstan | Papua New Guinea | United Kingdom |
Congo, Republic of the | Kenya | Paraguay | United States |
Costa Rica | Kiribati | Peru | Uruguay |
Côte d’Ivoire | Korea, North | Philippines | Uzbekistan |
Croatia | Korea, South | Poland | Vanuatu |
Cuba | Kosovo | Portugal | Vatican City |
Cyprus | Kuwait | Qatar | Venezuela |
Czech Republic | Kyrgyzstan | Romania | Vietnam |
Denmark | Laos | Russia | Yemen |
Djibouti | Latvia | Rwanda | Zambia |
Dominica | Lebanon | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Zimbabwe |
Delivery Time
We will take Max 1 month to deliver your product at your office.