carbonated beverage filling machine
Features of carbonated beverage filling machine
Fully Automatic CSD Rinsing, Filling, Capping Machine 8-8-4 Rotary Based
(Cold Filling process)—-Filling Pressure will be 2 to 4 deg. Temperature.
8 Head Rising, 8 Head Counter pressure Filling and 4 Head Screw capping machine with cap Feeder, VFD etc.
- In feed Air Conveyor
- Exit Conveyor
Theoretical Output :- up to 40 BPM
Detail Specification
Online Steam shrink tunnel with steam generator 1.2 mtr long S.S steam tunnel Steam generator
Steam tunnel having small steam storage facility & with control and drain valve. |
Technical Specification
Semi auto bulk shrink wrapping machine with Standard based compressor (2 HP) With Semi automatic functions of bottle arranging, shrink packing, sealing and cutting shrinking, cooling and shaping, etc • Using advanced constant temperature heat sealing technology with clear and secure seal • With programmable timer semi automatic program control with stable and reliable performance. • All the transfer system is controlled by frequency converter /DC drive with stable and smooth transfer Speed Output 3 to 5 Packets/Min. • Unique thermal passage with centrifugal thermal air circulation system that has an equal heat distribution with beautiful and secure shrinkage effect • heat insulation treatment with good insulating properly, quick temperature rise and energy saving |
Application / Uses
Automatic Carbonated soft Drink Packaging line with water bottling machine.
Product Video
Packing Designs
Size Variations
Soft Drink 200ml 300ml 500ml 1Liter 1.5 Liter 2Liter
Delivery Countries
Afghanistan | Dominican Republic | Lesotho | Saint Lucia |
Albania | East Timor (Timor-Leste) | Liberia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Algeria | Ecuador | Libya | Samoa |
Andorra | Egypt | Liechtenstein | San Marino |
Angola | El Salvador | Lithuania | Sao Tome and Principe |
Antigua and Barbuda | Equatorial Guinea | Luxembourg | Saudi Arabia |
Argentina | Eritrea | Madagascar | Senegal |
Armenia | Estonia | Malawi | Serbia |
Australia | Eswatini | Malaysia | Seychelles |
Austria | Ethiopia | Maldives | Sierra Leone |
Azerbaijan | Fiji | Mali | Singapore |
The Bahamas | Finland | Malta | Slovakia |
Bahrain | France | Marshall Islands | Slovenia |
Bangladesh | Gabon | Mauritania | Solomon Islands |
Barbados | The Gambia | Mauritius | Somalia |
Belarus | Georgia | Mexico | South Africa |
Belgium | Germany | Micronesia, Federated States of | Spain |
Belize | Ghana | Moldova | Sri Lanka |
Benin | Greece | Monaco | Sudan |
Bhutan | Grenada | Mongolia | Sudan, South |
Bolivia | Guatemala | Montenegro | Suriname |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guinea | Morocco | Sweden |
Botswana | Guinea-Bissau | Mozambique | Switzerland |
Brazil | Guyana | Myanmar (Burma) | Syria |
Brunei | Haiti | Namibia | Taiwan |
Bulgaria | Honduras | Nauru | Tajikistan |
Burkina Faso | Hungary | Nepal | Tanzania |
Burundi | Iceland | Netherlands | Thailand |
Cabo Verde | India | New Zealand | Togo |
Cambodia | Indonesia | Nicaragua | Tonga |
Cameroon | Iran | Niger | Trinidad and Tobago |
Canada | Iraq | Nigeria | Tunisia |
Central African Republic | Ireland | North Macedonia | Turkey |
Chad | Israel | Norway | Turkmenistan |
Chile | Italy | Oman | Tuvalu |
China | Jamaica | Pakistan | Uganda |
Colombia | Japan | Palau | Ukraine |
Comoros | Jordan | Panama | United Arab Emirates |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Kazakhstan | Papua New Guinea | United Kingdom |
Congo, Republic of the | Kenya | Paraguay | United States |
Costa Rica | Kiribati | Peru | Uruguay |
Côte d’Ivoire | Korea, North | Philippines | Uzbekistan |
Croatia | Korea, South | Poland | Vanuatu |
Cuba | Kosovo | Portugal | Vatican City |
Cyprus | Kuwait | Qatar | Venezuela |
Czech Republic | Kyrgyzstan | Romania | Vietnam |
Denmark | Laos | Russia | Yemen |
Djibouti | Latvia | Rwanda | Zambia |
Dominica | Lebanon | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Zimbabwe |
Delivery Time
We will take Max 1 month to deliver your product at your office.