Soda Bottle Packing Machine
Features of Soda Bottle Packing Machine
Fully Automatic CSD Rinsing, Filling, Capping Machine 9-9-4 Rotary Based
(Cold Filling process)—-Filling Pressure will be 2 to 4 deg. Temperature.
9 Head Rising, 9 Head Counter pressure Filling and 4 Head Screw capping machine with cap Feeder, VFD etc.
- In feed Air Conveyor
- Exit Conveyor
Theoretical Output :- up to 40 BPM
Detail Specification
Online Steam shrink tunnel with steam generator 1.2 mtr long S.S steam tunnel Steam generator
Steam tunnel having small steam storage facility & with control and drain valve. |
Technical Specification
Machine speed | 12 to 50 per mint | ||
Bag Size | (Length)30-250 mm (Width) 100-360 mm | ||
Film Material | Composite film/non-woven fabric/paper-plastic film | ||
Net Weight | 400KG Gross weight :450kg | ||
Bag Type | Center Seal | ||
Notch | Applicable | ||
Voltage | AC420V Three-phase | ||
Total Power | 4.KW | ||
Measuring range | 5gms 100gms, 50gms to 500gms | ||
PLC | Schneider | ||
Measuring Mode | Volumetric Auger filler , | ||
HmI Display | Pepper + Fuchs | ||
Machine Material | Mild Steel | Base France | |
Motor | Premium | Base India | |
Heater | marathon | Base India | |
Solid-state relay | unison | Base India | |
Intermediate relay | India | Base India | |
Buttons | Schneider | Base France | |
Pneumatic | Festo | Base Germany | |
Sensor | Pepper + Fuchs | Base Germany |
Output ; 20Up 50 Pouches/ Per Mint
Application / Uses
Automatic Carbonated soft Drink Packaging line with water bottling machine.
Product Video
Packing Designs
Size Variations
Soft Drink 200ml 300ml 500ml 1Liter 1.5 Liter 2Liter
Delivery Countries
Afghanistan | Dominican Republic | Lesotho | Saint Lucia |
Albania | East Timor (Timor-Leste) | Liberia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Algeria | Ecuador | Libya | Samoa |
Andorra | Egypt | Liechtenstein | San Marino |
Angola | El Salvador | Lithuania | Sao Tome and Principe |
Antigua and Barbuda | Equatorial Guinea | Luxembourg | Saudi Arabia |
Argentina | Eritrea | Madagascar | Senegal |
Armenia | Estonia | Malawi | Serbia |
Australia | Eswatini | Malaysia | Seychelles |
Austria | Ethiopia | Maldives | Sierra Leone |
Azerbaijan | Fiji | Mali | Singapore |
The Bahamas | Finland | Malta | Slovakia |
Bahrain | France | Marshall Islands | Slovenia |
Bangladesh | Gabon | Mauritania | Solomon Islands |
Barbados | The Gambia | Mauritius | Somalia |
Belarus | Georgia | Mexico | South Africa |
Belgium | Germany | Micronesia, Federated States of | Spain |
Belize | Ghana | Moldova | Sri Lanka |
Benin | Greece | Monaco | Sudan |
Bhutan | Grenada | Mongolia | Sudan, South |
Bolivia | Guatemala | Montenegro | Suriname |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guinea | Morocco | Sweden |
Botswana | Guinea-Bissau | Mozambique | Switzerland |
Brazil | Guyana | Myanmar (Burma) | Syria |
Brunei | Haiti | Namibia | Taiwan |
Bulgaria | Honduras | Nauru | Tajikistan |
Burkina Faso | Hungary | Nepal | Tanzania |
Burundi | Iceland | Netherlands | Thailand |
Cabo Verde | India | New Zealand | Togo |
Cambodia | Indonesia | Nicaragua | Tonga |
Cameroon | Iran | Niger | Trinidad and Tobago |
Canada | Iraq | Nigeria | Tunisia |
Central African Republic | Ireland | North Macedonia | Turkey |
Chad | Israel | Norway | Turkmenistan |
Chile | Italy | Oman | Tuvalu |
China | Jamaica | Pakistan | Uganda |
Colombia | Japan | Palau | Ukraine |
Comoros | Jordan | Panama | United Arab Emirates |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Kazakhstan | Papua New Guinea | United Kingdom |
Congo, Republic of the | Kenya | Paraguay | United States |
Costa Rica | Kiribati | Peru | Uruguay |
Côte d’Ivoire | Korea, North | Philippines | Uzbekistan |
Croatia | Korea, South | Poland | Vanuatu |
Cuba | Kosovo | Portugal | Vatican City |
Cyprus | Kuwait | Qatar | Venezuela |
Czech Republic | Kyrgyzstan | Romania | Vietnam |
Denmark | Laos | Russia | Yemen |
Djibouti | Latvia | Rwanda | Zambia |
Dominica | Lebanon | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Zimbabwe |
Delivery Time
We will take Max 1 month to deliver your product at your office.