automatic linear 2 4 head belt conveyor packing machine
Features of automatic linear 2 4 head belt conveyor packing machine
Film Material | Composite film/non-woven fabric/paper-plastic film |
Net Weight | 400KG Gross weight :450kg |
Bag Type | Center Seal |
Notch | Applicable |
Voltage | AC420V Three –phase 220V 110V |
Detail Specification
Application Automatic Rice and Granules Packaging Equipments
We have brought lots of low-impact effective machines for small industries,
You can pack from this machine to 50 grams and 200 grams and up to 500 grams, in which electric efficiencies are also very good,
PLC is a machine powered by control, it is a very small machine, and this packing can pack from 100 grams up to 1000 grams, this machine is powered by a touch screen display, there is no maintenance of any kind in this machine, its Electric instrument is Hi -V quality, you can run it for 24 hours, this machine has 5 times life compared to Chinese machines, you have lost some kind of machine small part, we Just do the courier, if you do small business, you have a small place and not a big room, you can put this machine, you do not need much more area to install this machine, you can The machine can be installed at home too, can be installed in the village, it is considered a perfect machine for small business, such a machine will not find you anywhere else, cable Range
this is an automatic packing machine, very powerful technology lace, this machine comes in some technical problem, this machine will have an automatic Fault alarm in the display of the machine, to fix the machine, and Machine running machine, it is very easy to fix any kind of problem, how much sealing you have to do, when to do the frying now, when do you have ceiling, date batch code When printing printing machine is to be printed, you can set it to the display, there is no mechanical problem in this machine, because this machine is an advance load, which is considered as the best machine for Chinese machinery and India. What can I do on this product in this machine, I tell you,
It is suitable for automatic packing of various types of grain like candy, confection, chocolate bean, peanut, bean, tea, spices, rice, snack, seeds, small etc.,
Technical Specification
Total Power | 2.KW |
Measuring range | 50gms 500g |
PLC Controller | Schneider Make France |
Process Parameter Sating | Through HMI – Make France |
Measuring Mode | Linear weighing Scale & Weight metric Filling |
Serration and cutting | Count cutting provided, count to be fed through HMI |
Material of construction | All contact parts in SS304, and other parts in MS. |
Delivery chute | 01 |
Color Touch Screen | With Full color touch screen, which makes it very easy and convenient operation Schneider – |
Machine Material | Mild Steel |
Motor | Bonfiglioli Bonverio – Make Italian Brand |
Tranducer | Marthon -India |
Solid-state relay | Unison / Emtack – indian |
Intermediate relay | Indian |
Buttons | Schneider – Make France |
Pneumatics | . Festo – Make Germany |
Sensor | Pepper + Fuchs, Data Logice, , Make Us , Germany |
Application / Uses
Banana Chips Mixture popping corn Dried Banana Chips Potato Chips Plantain Chips popcorn australia Potato chips Spanish Popcorn South Africa salted banana chips Potato chips magic masala Shanks Penaut Rice Sugar Beans Tea Grain Sweet Candy Namkeen Dry Friuts
Product Video
Packing Designs
Size Variations
Composite film/non-woven fabric/paper-plastic film This machine can be able to weight, bag-making, filling, sealing, cutting, lot number automatically 10g 20g 50g 100g
100g to 1kg
Delivery Countries
Afghanistan | Dominican Republic | Lesotho | Saint Lucia |
Albania | East Timor (Timor-Leste) | Liberia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Algeria | Ecuador | Libya | Samoa |
Andorra | Egypt | Liechtenstein | San Marino |
Angola | El Salvador | Lithuania | Sao Tome and Principe |
Antigua and Barbuda | Equatorial Guinea | Luxembourg | Saudi Arabia |
Argentina | Eritrea | Madagascar | Senegal |
Armenia | Estonia | Malawi | Serbia |
Australia | Eswatini | Malaysia | Seychelles |
Austria | Ethiopia | Maldives | Sierra Leone |
Azerbaijan | Fiji | Mali | Singapore |
The Bahamas | Finland | Malta | Slovakia |
Bahrain | France | Marshall Islands | Slovenia |
Bangladesh | Gabon | Mauritania | Solomon Islands |
Barbados | The Gambia | Mauritius | Somalia |
Belarus | Georgia | Mexico | South Africa |
Belgium | Germany | Micronesia, Federated States of | Spain |
Belize | Ghana | Moldova | Sri Lanka |
Benin | Greece | Monaco | Sudan |
Bhutan | Grenada | Mongolia | Sudan, South |
Bolivia | Guatemala | Montenegro | Suriname |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guinea | Morocco | Sweden |
Botswana | Guinea-Bissau | Mozambique | Switzerland |
Brazil | Guyana | Myanmar (Burma) | Syria |
Brunei | Haiti | Namibia | Taiwan |
Bulgaria | Honduras | Nauru | Tajikistan |
Burkina Faso | Hungary | Nepal | Tanzania |
Burundi | Iceland | Netherlands | Thailand |
Cabo Verde | India | New Zealand | Togo |
Cambodia | Indonesia | Nicaragua | Tonga |
Cameroon | Iran | Niger | Trinidad and Tobago |
Canada | Iraq | Nigeria | Tunisia |
Central African Republic | Ireland | North Macedonia | Turkey |
Chad | Israel | Norway | Turkmenistan |
Chile | Italy | Oman | Tuvalu |
China | Jamaica | Pakistan | Uganda |
Colombia | Japan | Palau | Ukraine |
Comoros | Jordan | Panama | United Arab Emirates |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Kazakhstan | Papua New Guinea | United Kingdom |
Congo, Republic of the | Kenya | Paraguay | United States |
Costa Rica | Kiribati | Peru | Uruguay |
Côte d’Ivoire | Korea, North | Philippines | Uzbekistan |
Croatia | Korea, South | Poland | Vanuatu |
Cuba | Kosovo | Portugal | Vatican City |
Cyprus | Kuwait | Qatar | Venezuela |
Czech Republic | Kyrgyzstan | Romania | Vietnam |
Denmark | Laos | Russia | Yemen |
Djibouti | Latvia | Rwanda | Zambia |
Dominica | Lebanon | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Zimbabwe |
Delivery Time
We will take Max 1 month to deliver your product at your office.